Sunday, January 14, 2007

I have been a busy man. Busy, and too important to write to you people. Last Thursday, we flew to Sevilla. In the BCN airport, I told the kids on my program that I forgot to pack clothes and instead only candy. Some were amused, some tried to punch me. After a night sitting at a table at David Beckham's club, Danzetoria, then heading straight to the airport, this was only half a lie.

Sevilla was unbelievable. I was overwhelmed by a sense of history portrayed through cheap souvenirs; postcards, mini license plates, shot glasses, etc. The first day we went on a walking tour of churches of Sevilla. I get it, they love jesus and building buildings for him. Apparently they also love this guy named McDonald and the King of Burgers just as much.

The first full day we went to Cadiz, where Carnevale takes place. I mistook Carnevale for Marti Gras and the second week of January for the the day I was there and was asking everyone to show me their boobs while refusing to drink anything smaller than a yard.

The second day we went to Cordoba. I saw the third largest mosque in the world built in the 6th century. There was a palatial chapel in the middle of it built by the catholic church in the 10th century. After visiting the mosque and chapel, I wandered around the city and found Jesus. Jesus Fernando, the kite and novelty salesman who nearly violated me trying to sell me cheap party tricks. I told him he could earn 14 cents the hard way, but I think my humor was lost in translation. I kicked him in the left shin and ran.

Having slept a total of 26 minutes, I headed back to Barcelona where I eagerly loaded and reloaded to catch the live updates of the Bears game. I found out we won but had no one to celebrate with seeing as though my roommates are from Connecticut and Bash was on a later flight. I decided to bang my head against the wall. The next thing I knew it was tomorrow, today, whatever.

More to come. Stay tuned.



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